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Butter, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Vegetable Oil Spread, the Original


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60 calories per 1 tbsp. Per Serving: Calories: ICBINB! Original; 60; Butter; 100. Sat. Fat: 2 g; 7 g. American Heart Association Certified Meets Criteria for Heart-Healthy Food (See bottom panel for information about the relationship between soybean oil and coronary heart disease). 45% vegetable oil spread. A good source of omega 3-ALA (See left side panel). O g trans fat per serving (See nutrition information for fat and saturated content. Total fat is 6 g per serving). 40% fewer calories than butter. 70% less saturated fat than butter (See nutrition information for fat and saturated content. Total fat is 6 g per serving). Contains omega-3 ALA (contains 295 mg of omega-3 ALA per serving (18% of the 1.6 g daily value) purified water & a pinch of salt. Good eats. Made from plant-based oils. No artificial preservatives. No partially hydrogenated oils. See bottom panel for information about for information about the relationship between soybean oil and coronary heart disease (Supportive but not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 1-1/2 tablespoons (20.5g) daily of soybean oil, which contains unsaturated fat, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. To achieve this possible benefit, soybean oil is to replace saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this product contains 5g of soybean oil). www.icantbelieveitsnobutter.com. how2recycle.info. For questions and comments, please visit www.icantbelieveitsnobutter.com. For Recipes and to learn about what we’re made of, visit us at www.icantbelieveitsnobutter.com. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! is committed to sustainable palm oil. For more informatiopm see www.icantbelieveitsnobutter.com.