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Ortho Insect Killer


SKU: 3323970 Category:


For indoor & perimeter. Up to 12-month control (for ants, roaches and spiders indoors on non-porous surfaces). Plus kills insect eggs (for beet armyworms, two spotted spider mites and Asian lady beetles). Kills bugs inside. Keeps bugs out. Apply as a perimeter treatment. Comfort wand. Continuous spray wand. The easy way to spray. Guaranteed. Non-staining. Odor-free. Kitchens, bathrooms, doors & windows, basements. Perimeter foundations, garages, doors & windows patios & decks. Kills listed home invading insects. Kills: ants (including argentine, carpenter, foraging fire ants, lawn, pavement, pharaoh, pyramid, and red/western harvester), beetles (including Asian lady, carpet, Japanese [adults]), centipedes, cockroaches (including American, Asian and German), earwigs, fleas (including cat and dog), millipedes, scorpions, silverfish, spiders (including black widow, brown recluse, hobo and wood), ticks. Kills: annual bluegrass weevil, ants (including argentine, carpenter, foraging fire ants, lawn, pavement, pharaoh, pyramid and red/western harvester), aphids (including apple, black cherry, buckhorn, greenbug, pea, pecan, rose, rosy apple and walnut), apple maggot, army worms, beet armyworm, artichoke plume moth, bagworms, bees, beetles (including Asian lady, carpet, Colorado potato, elm leaf, flea, Japanese [adults], Mexican bean, sap, spotted cucumber and striped cucumber), billbugs, biting flies, black turfgrass ataenius, black vine weevil, blueberry spanworm, borers (including American plum, European corn, lesser peach tree, peach tree, peach twig, Southwestern corn, squash vine and stalk), boxelder bugs, budworms, caterpillars (including alfalfa, painted lady, saltmarsh, tent and velvetbean), centipedes, cherry fruit fly, chiggers, chinch bug (including hairy and southern), cockroaches (including American [palmetto bug] [water bug], Asian [Oriental] and German), coding moth, corn earworm, corn rootworm (adults), corn silkfly, cranberry fruitworm, crickets, curculio(including cow pea and plum), cutworms, diamondback moth, earwigs, eastern sprucegall adelgade, European crane fly, filbert worm, firebrats/bristletails, fleas (including cat and dog), fungus gnats, grasshoppers, green cloverworm, green fruitworm, gypsy moth, hickory shuckworm, hornets/yellow jackets, hornworm (including tobacco and tomato), house fly, imported cabbageworm lacebugs, lady beetles, leafhoppers, leafminers (including alder, tentiform, vegetable), leafrollers (including oblique banded, red-banded and variegated), loopers (including alfalfa, cabbage and celery), lygus bug, mealy bug, midges, millipedes, mites (including broad, carmine, clover, spruce, two spotted spider, European red and pecan scorch), mole crickets, mosquitoes, naval orangeworm, pear psylla, pecan leaf phylloxera, pecan nut casebearer, pecan spittlebug, pecan stem phylloxera, periodical cicada, pickleworm, pine chafer (grub), pine shoot beetle, plantbugs, psyllids, rindworms, sawflies (including European and redheaded), scales (including San Jose, euonymus, brown soft and California red), scorpions, silverfish, sod webworms, sowbug (pillbug) (rollie pollie), spiders (including black widow, brown recluse, hobo and wolf), silverfish, spittle bug, springtails, squash bug, stink bugs, stored product pests (moths and beetles), tarnished plant bug, thrips, ticks, termites, wasps/yellow jackets and whiteflies.




1.33 gal


Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin (Cis Isomers 97% Min, Trans Isomers 3% Max) (0.05%), Zeta Cypermethone (Cis/Trans Ratio: Max 75% (+/-) Cis and Min 25% (+/-) Trans) (0.0125%). Other Ingredients (99.9375%).


Indoor Surfaces: Apply a 4-inch wide band along the surfaces being treated. Outdoor Surfaces: Apply a 12-inch wide band along the surfaces being treated. People and pets may re-enter treated areas after spray has dried. For Use: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not water the treated area to the point of run-off. Do not make applications during the rain. All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack-and-crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses: (1) Treatment to soil or vegetation around structures; (2) application to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet. Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces including sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (including windows, doors, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack-and-crevice applications only. Comfort Wand Sprayer: Remove comfort wand form side clip. Unwrap hose completely. Remove protective strip from battery compartment to activate batteries. Insert red plug at end of hose into white spout on cap until it clicks. Flip up spout. Spout must remain up while spraying. Flip open comfort wand until it locks into position. Twist nozzle at end of comfort wand to desired spray pattern. Ensure trigger lock is disengaged before spraying. Hold white trigger for continuous spray. How to Apply/Use: Follow illustrations and instructions above. Twist nozzle at end of comfort wand to desired spray pattern. Point comfort wand away from body and hold white trigger for continuous spray. Release trigger to stop spray. After Use: Twist nozzle to Off position. Engage trigger lock. Flip the comfort wand closed and store on the side clip. Important Use Information: Do not submerge in water. When storing sprayer for long periods, remove batteries. To Replace Batteries: Open battery compartment at bottom of comfort wand. Remove used batteries and replace with four new AA batteries in correct position as marked per diagram inside battery compartment. Securely close battery compartment door. Always use a complete set of the same type when replacing batteries. Never mix alkaline, carbon-zinc or rechargeable batteries. Indoor Surfaces: Before You Apply: Cover or remove exposed food (including pet food); cover all food processing surfaces and utensils. How to Apply: Shake well. Set spray nozzle to indoor setting; hold sprayer 12 inches from surface being sprayed. Apply a 4-inch wide band along the interior of your home in areas where insects are a recurring problem. Spray until slightly wet without soaking. Outdoor Surfaces: Before You Apply: Do not allow this product to contact water supplies; do not spray into air. How to Apply: Shake well. Set spray nozzle to outdoor setting. Hold sprayer 12 inches from surface being sprayed. Apply a 12-inch wide band along the exterior of your home in areas where insects are a recurring problem. Spray until slightly wet without soaking. After You Apply: People and pets may re-enter treated area after spray has dried; thoroughly wash all food processing surfaces and utensils with soap and water before reuse; repeat as needed. Re-treatment is recommended at least once per season (3 months) outdoors; for long-lasting residual control leave spray undisturbed. The product will keep on killing for up to 12 months (for ants, roaches and spiders indoors on non-porous surfaces). Fleas and Ticks (including ticks that may transmit lyme disease): Do not spray animals; pets resting quarters may be treated with this product. Spot treat infested areas such as pets resting quarters and localized areas of floors/floor coverings (rugs, carpet, tile, vinyl & wood) where pests may be present. Old bedding of pets should be removed and replaced with clean, fresh bedding after treatment of pet area. To control the source of flea infestation, pets inhabiting the treated premises should themselves be treated with a product registered for application to animals. Storage and Disposal: Pesticide Storage: Flip down white spout on cap. No need to disconnect sprayer hose from cap. Completely discharge/dispense product in sprayer prior to storage. Twist sprayer nozzle to the off position. Engage trigger lock. Flip the comfort wand closed and place sprayer back in side clip. Store this product in its original container, in a secure area. Protect container from freezing. Pesticide Disposal: If Empty: Non-refillable container, Do not reuse or refill this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If Partly Filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.